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WHO IS Daniel Deuschle

Daniel Deuschle is a Zimbabwean born songwriter and producer who specializes in producing soundtracks for film.
Dan has scored music for commercials, travel videos and more recently has devoted his energy to contributing on Musicbed (music licensing platform for filmmakers). He is also the wizard helping create the Sound FX packs here at Visual Tone.
His style can be described as worldly with cinematic, dreamy, and electronic undertones. Although now based in Los Angeles, he stays true to his Zimbabwean roots by infusing African influence into his melodies. There’s probably a good chance you’ve heard Dan’s music in videos online which is why we’re excited to shine the spotlight on the man behind them.
In this episode we chat about the collaboration process between filmmakers and musicians, drawing insight from a project that Bryn and Dan worked on together. Dan talks to us about what it’s like to make a living in this field,  his experience being a contributor on Musicbed; all while offering sage advice for anyone looking to get into this field. We also break down a few of his tracks and hear the thought process and production techniques that add so much hard hitting emotion to them.
Listen to the podcast right here!
Listen to the podcast right here!

INSTAGRAM VS REALITY: the story behind the song 'wild is life'

From the podcast:  “Where did the inspiration for that song come about?

So this is very interesting. So this originally came from… I started seeing some of Bryn [North’s] stuff and wanted to see what Bryn was doing. And I was just starting off with some travel music ideas; and that was my very first idea that I came up with. Then I said to Bryn “dude lets do something together!” and then I sent him Going North first. So I came up with that first.. that was just the beginning of getting into the travel kind of stuff and I wanted to make stuff that catered to travel videographers. I like the travel scene, I like what you guys are making. I’d love to like.. Hold hands with you guys and..

How long did that track take to make and was there a particular part in that track that was tough or was there a unique element that perhaps has some sort of a story to it?

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… “So that track took me between 2 and 3 hours. It just came fast. It was the first time I tried something like this and I just went for it. One of the interesting things for me were some of the chords, I think it’s like a 7th chord or something, and the rhythm isn’t quite the normal type. This was really exciting for me because I always felt like it was quite interesting to listen to. It was mainly that, and then just trying to infuse it with a world feel. So I started adding Kalimbas and things like that, to keep it in the world (genre) atmosphere.

Oh and I just remembered one more thing that was interesting. If you listen, there’s a part that goes “laa la laa” (humming a line). That’s just me making noise into the microphone. I’m just singing. So that’s just a vocal which I distorted the heck out of and put reverb to death on. I’m singing Oohs and Aahs and Ees.. some sort of jungle book stuff.

Dan's music in videos


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